Science and Technology
Science and Technology AOLE Vision
At St Paul’s Church in Wales Primary School, we want our science and curriculum AOLE to nurture:
- Children with a love of asking questions
- The ability to think critically about what we are told and how we can find evidence
- To be able to talk about how science has an impact on our daily lives
- Be able to use practical skills to solve problems
- To communicate in a range of media
In order to reach these aims, the Science and Technology AOLE will provide all of our children with:
- Exciting, Engaging, Enriching Experiences
- Authentic, relevant and purposeful experiences
- Individual and inclusive learning opportunities
- Skills that empower them as life long learners
We will do this at St Pauls by:
- Planning exciting experiences rooted in science and technology
- Make real world links in all learning
- Ensure that all learning is as practical as possible
- Allow learners to take risks and manage these with support